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To request an estimate for a new project, submit this e-form.
We will reply with a quote within 2 business days
To request an estimate via email download this fillable form.


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Email us to share questions and content suggestions or call 800-394-8145.
Estimate Request
Sales Tools
Download these tools to share TerrazzoTek products and capabilities with your customers. 
TerrazzoTek Overview PDF
Terrazzo Tek+T&M Summary-cover.jpg
TerrazzoTek Postcard PDF
FrameTek Spec Sheet
PrecastTek Spec Sheet
StencilTek Spec Sheet
StencilTek Spec Sheet.jpg
How long does it take to get a quote back?
Most quotes are turned around within 48 hours depending on complexity of design
Do you provide samples and is there a cost?
Samples can be provided and may include a cost to purchase material and fabricate. Once the request is reviewed, we will make a collective decision on how to proceed
How long does it take to get a sample?
Most samples are turned around within 1 week depending on complexity of design and material specified
Do you purchase the materials required to make the design?
We purchase the materials needed to provide a fully fabricated design. In some cases, the customer will send us the material so our price would only include design & fabrication
Do your products have a warranty?
Our products do not carry a warranty
Can my customer return your products?
Customers can only return products if there is a material defect on our part
How long is a quote good for?
A quote is good for 90 days unless otherwise specified
Do you install the product?
We do not install any of our products
How much are your design fees?
Design fees are $120/hour and included in your quote. After 2 revisions additional fees will apply
Will you replace product that is defective?
We will replace product that is defective in an expedited manner
Do your prices include shipping?
Our prices do not include shipping 
Are there packaging/crating fees?
Packaging/crating fees are additional
What are your payment terms?
Our payment terms are 50% deposit on order with balance due net 30
Who bills the client?
Creative Edge will bill clients directly 
Can my client call you directly?
Clients are free to call us directly and we will alert the appropriate salesperson when they do
Will you provide a price to my competitor?
We will not provide a price to your competitor. All Terrazzo Tek products are distributed solely by T&M
Do you ship overseas?
We can ship overseas if required
Do you offer plant tours?
We welcome and encourage tours
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